The Book of Panaromic Photographs by Nuri Bilge Ceylan


Printed by the revolutionary K-Bind technique introduced by Kingsbury Press.
K-Bind book is a book that opens completely flat, allowing imagery to flow undisturbed across a double page spread. For more info, go here. |
Panoramic Photographs by Nuri Bilge Ceylan between the years 2003 and 2012.
Editorial concept and Design by Bülent Erkmen
Edited by Alpagut Gültekin
Hardcover, 216 pages
Includes 100 panoramic photographs
23.5x27.5cm. (9x11 inches)
Printed and binded by Kingsbury Press, England (
Trilingual in English, French and Turkish
Published by Dirimart, Istanbul in March, 2015
Cermodern, "Panoramic Eye" Exhibition, Ankara
"Tıpkı o hassas ve görkemli yavaşlıktaki filmlerinde olduğu gibi, Nuri Bilge Ceylan'ın fotoğrafları da çevrelerinin bağlamında fakat sırlarını asla belli etmeyen bireyler, gruplar ve manzaraların portrelerini çizen meraklı bir gözün bakışlarıdır.
Ceylan, şehirlerin ya da insanların, medeniyetin ya da doğanın ruhlarına müdahale etmeden; psikolojik, toplumsal ve tarihi muğlaklıkları tahlil etmeye çalışmadan, hassas, saygılı ve her zaman mesafeli bir gözlemci olarak kalıyor.
'Panoramik Bakış' sergisi 2003'ten bu yana üretilen 50 fotoğraftan oluşuyor; fakat yıllar, tarihler ve zaman hiç de o kadar önemli değil. Bu fotoğraflar, ne dondurulmuş birtakım anlar, ne gerçekçi belgeler, ne geçmişin tanımları ne de günümüzün mevcudiyetine dair değiller; zamansızlar. Fakat mekanlılar. Bizi çevreleyip içine çeken panoramik boyutun yarattığı mekan. Biz, insanlar, yüzleştiğimiz sanatın bir parçası oluveriyoruz. Ve bu evren bizim dünyamız oluveriyor.
Heinz Peter Schwerfel, Curator
(26 December 2014 - 15 April 2015)
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Cermodern, Ankara

Dirimart, "About Looking" Istanbul exhibition
Dirimart is delighted to host Nuri Bilge Ceylan with his solo exhibition of photography, 'About Looking', curated by Heinz Peter Schwerfel between 25 November - 23 December.
- Exhibition video
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Dirimart Gallery, Istanbul
Tina Kim Gallery, "The World of My Father" New York exhibition
"Tina Kim Gallery is delighted to announce The World of My Father, an exhibition of photographs by the celebrated Turkish film director Nuri Bilge Ceylan. Organized to coincide with the New York premiere of Ceylan's newest film Winter Sleep at The Museum of Modern Art this will be the artist's first photography exhibition in the United States. The exhibition at Tina Kim Gallery is an historic opportunity to explore how photography remains a foundational aspect of his filmmaking..." more
- Exhibition video
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Tina Kim Gallery, New York
Book of "Turkey Cinemascope" (Limited edition) |

Panoramic Photographs of Turkey by Nuri Bilge Ceylan between the years 2003 and 2009 has been published by NTV in December 2009. The book is printed in a limited edition of 1000 individually numbered copies.
Panaromic Photographs of Turkey by Nuri Bilge Ceylan between the years 2003 and 2009.
Original essay by Yıldırım Türker
Hardcover + Box + Boxholder
35x50cm. (14x20 inches), 7kg.
214 pages
Printed in a limited edition of 1000 individually numbered copies
Bilingual in English and Turkish
Published in Turkey by NTV in December 2009
-To read the review in Cornucopia Magazine, click here. |
"Turkey Cinemascope" La Rochelle Exhibition
Nuri Bilge Ceylan's "Turkey Cinemascope" exhibition will take place in La Rochelle, France, at the Médiathèque Michel Crépeau
Gallery from 27 June to 30 August 2009. The opening coctail will be at the Médiathèque in the presence of Nuri Bilge Ceylan on Thursday 2 July at 17h.

Poster of La Rochelle Exhibition
"For My Father" London Exhibition
Nuri Bilge Ceylan has held his "For my Father" photo exhibition at the the BFI Southbank in February 2009.

"For my Father" London BFI Southbank Exhibition
Introduction for London Exhibition by Geoff Andrew :
For My Father : Photographs by Nuri Bilge Ceylan
Nuri Bilge Ceylan (b. 1959, Istanbul) is widely recognised as one of the finest and most distinctive writer-directors to have emerged on to the international filmmaking scene in the last decade; he has won important prizes at numerous festivals, including major awards in Cannes for both Uzak (Distant) and Iklimer (Climates). That Ceylan also takes photos should, perhaps, come as no surprise, since both those films include scenes of photographers at work; moreover, all his films – most of them shot by Ceylan himself – are notable for their visual precision, poetic eloquence and limpid beauty.
Again unsurprisingly, those characteristics are also to be found in Ceylan’s extraordinary photographs. As was revealed in an earlier exhibition of his work (‘Turkey Cinemascope’), Ceylan has a remarkable eye for his native landscape. Whether depicting the streets and shoreline of Istanbul or the villages, farms and roads of the countryside, Ceylan has a rare ability to create spellbinding images that often look more like paintings than like other photographs.
This distinctive quality derives partly from his meticulous deployment of a digital camera, partly from his use of archival pigment ink and varnish on cotton rag paper, which together serve to render the pictures’ colours and texture unusually rich. One should not, however, forget that Ceylan has an almost painterly sense of both composition and the subtly dramatic play of light; understandably, his photographs have provoked some critics to liken his work to that of Turner, Breughel the Elder and others.
Not that Ceylan is in any way an imitator or a dry formalist; he responds very deeply to the world around him, and has always been as interested in human beings as in the places they inhabit. In this new exhibition, which receives its international première at BFI Southbank, his fascination with both faces and the environment is beautifully and often very movingly combined in a superbly evocative series of portraits entitled ‘For My Father’. (Those who have seen Ceylan’s first three films will probably recall Mehmet Emin Ceylan’s strong, handsome features and kindly gaze.) Just as Three Monkeys (Üç Maymun) sees Ceylan breaking new ground with an audacious and highly expressive use of digital imagery, so these photos take a fresh and boldly imaginative approach to the tradition of photographic portraiture. |
"FOR MY FATHER" Istanbul Exhibition
Nuri Bilge Ceylan and his sister Emine Ceylan has held a photo exhibition named as "For my Father" at the Milli Reasürans Gallery in Istanbul from 1st April to 19th April 2008.
You can buy the exhibition catalog from the gallery.
- For the "For my Father" article in the catalog by Emine Ceylan, click here for Turkish or for English
- For a TV interview of NBC and Emine Ceylan about the exhibition, click here. (in Turkish)

"For my Father" Istanbul Exhibition

Exhibition Catalog

An special excerpt from the notebook of the exhibition
"Turkey Cinemascope" Granada Exhibition
Nuri Bilge Ceylan's "Turkey Cinemascope" has been exhibited in Granada (Spain). Granada Exhibition will be part of the Granada Film Festival 'Cines del Sur' in June 2007.

Exhibition by the Elhamra Palace

Exhibition Space

"Turkey Cinemascope" Istanbul Exhibition
Nuri Bilge Ceylan's "Turkey Cinemascope" is in Istanbul at the Milli Reasürans Gallery from 3 April to 28 April 2007. Istanbul Exhibition is part of Istanbul International Film Festival.
There have been two coctail party for the exhibition with the attandence of the artist. One at the opening on 3rd of April at 18:00 o'clock and another one on 11th of April at 18:00 o'clock, both at the Milli Reasürans Gallery.
You can buy the exhibition catalog from the gallery.
- To watch the video of an interview of NBC about his photography, click here. (in Turkish)
- To watch a video of the photographs 'Qardasima' made by monetac, , click here.

Poster of Istanbul Exhibition
"Turkey Cinemascope" London Exhibition at the National Theatre
A selection of Ceylan's fine art photographs has been exhibited in London just before the UK release of his latest film, Climates. The exhibition dates are from Monday 22nd January to Saturday 3rd March 2007 at the prestigous National Theatre of London in the South Bank. Ceylan's latest fine art photographs, named "Turkey Cinemascope", consist of panaromic photographs that have been shot all over Turkey in the last 4 years, mostly during the location scouting trips for his last film, Climates.

Exhibition at the National Theatre, London
"TURKEY CINEMASCOPE" Thessaloniki Exhibition
The world premiere of Nuri Bilge Ceylan's latest fine art photographs, "Turkey Cinemascope", has been exhibited during the Thessaloniki International Film Festival in Greece in November 2006, along with a retrospective of all his films.

Exhibition Poster
Exhibition Opening at the Greek press :
"Yesterday, Wednesday November 22nd, marked the opening of the photography exhibition by Turkish artist Nuri Bilge Ceylan at the Bezesteni Market. In a specially prepared area of the old market, the visitors of the exhibition can see images from the East and discover another aspect of the work of this important Turkish artist.
The President of the Thessaloniki Film Festival, Georges Corraface, welcomed the award-winning director, saying: "If a picture is worth a thousand words, then here we have millions of words that compose different stories. When I look at these photographs I honestly wish I could travel to these places and meet the people in them. It's like he captured all of humanity in the faces of his subjects and we thank him for trusting us with his remarkable work".
The Director of the Festival, Despina Mouzaki said: "I'm thrilled with this place, I'm happy that the exhibition is here in this space. These photographs truly emit a genuine emotion from the relationship that forms between man and nature. A delicate relationship, which when disrupted, ruins the relationship we have with ourselves as well. Theses relationships are also evident in Nuri Bilge Ceylan's films and that's what his remarkable art is about. I would like to thank the 9th Ephoriate of Byzantine Antiquities, the Bezesteni Market for its hospitality and everyone who worked to make this exhibition possible. The least that can come out of this exhibition is a publication of the photographs".
Nuri Bilge Ceylan thanked everyone and said: "When I took these pictures while shooting films, I never thought that they would end up in an exhibition. The idea came to me only a few months ago. I phoned the Festival and they happily accepted. I hope you enjoy them".
Ceylan's Thessaloniki exhibition includes a series of 50 photographs and is curated by Marion Inglessi. The Vice-Governor of Thessaloniki, Dionysis Psomiadis, was also present at the exhibition opening.
The exhibition will be open until 3th of December 2006."

Exhibition at the Bezesteni Bazaar, Thessaloniki